Introduction to Ethical Humanism

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

This introduction to Ethical Humanism will focus on some philosophical elements of our unique alternative to traditional religion, though there will be time for Q&A about our history and the society today. Open to all. Refreshments served. RSVP to but you can also just show up!

Planning Our Lives – Greater Philadelphia Thinking Society

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Elaine Lindy and Hugh Taft-Morales offer participants an opportunity to add some intentionality to their lives. Gather for this group thinking and planning event about planning forward steps regarding career, family, friends, finance, or health goals. Overcome the inertia that keeps us from considering where we want to be five years from now. Free and [...]

Book Discussion – These Truths: A History of the United States (Ch. 5-8)

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Hugh Taft-Morales leads the second of four explorations of this work intended to help us better appreciate our history as a nation. The October discussion will focus on “Part Two: The People (1800-1865).” Free and open to the public. If you read the book, come help lead the discussion. If you didn’t read the book, [...]

The Tao of Ethical Culture

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

The Ethical Society platform has been changed, due to the previous speaker's need to cancel. In that speaker's place, the platform will be "The Tao of Ethical Culture" presented from a previous platform by our Ethical Society Leader, Hugh Taft-Morales.

Urgency and Radicalism

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Hugh Taft-Morales Leader, Philadelphia Ethical Society How urgent are the crises we face? How radical should our responses be? What do different answers to these questions do to the cohesion of communities? How should we react to extremism expressed by those who feel their very survival is threatened? Hugh Taft-Morales explores these questions through the [...]

Responding to Our Climate Emergency: Community Brainstorming

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

What should our response be to science experts declaring that our climate is changing at an accelerated rate? While recycling and driving less are actions we can take as individuals, some believe that only radical systemic responses are worth considering. Around what systemic solutions should people of many backgrounds gather in order to foster substantive change? This [...]

How to Think about Urban Density in a Changing City

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Inga Saffron Architectural Critic Acclaimed Philadelphia Inquirer architectural critic since 1999, Inga Saffron will speak about the intersection between lively streets, affordability, equity, and urban success in this city.   Inga Saffron is the architecture critic for the Philadelphia Inquirer and writes a weekly, Philadelphia-focused column on architecture, urban design, and planning. Her work has been recognized with [...]

Think Ethics – Art and Ethics

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Join Alex Gutierrez, a senior at Haverford College majoring in philosophy, for three fall conversations. The series begins on Sunday, Oct. 27, at 2:00PM. Art and Ethics will be discussed. The group will address questions such as: What is the proper role of art in human life? How has art been used/viewed throughout history? What is the relationship between art and [...]

Good and Evil

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Hugh Taft-Morales Leader, Philadelphia Ethical Society What are we talking about when we speak of “good” and “evil”? The dynamic struggle between good and evil has been examined through art, literature, and philosophy for millennia, but there’s no consensus about the meaning of the terms. Hugh Taft-Morales explores evil as represented in the rise of [...]

Introduction to Ethical Humanism

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Join Leader Hugh Taft-Morales for a discussion focusing on the importance of putting aside intellectual disagreements so we can work together more effectively to do good in the world. Open to all. Refreshments served. RSVP to but you can also just show up!