Joy of Living
Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesHugh Taft-Morales Leader, Philadelphia Ethical Society The French call it “joie de vivre,” a term that first appears in the pantheistic writings of Jules Michelet. Humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers praises it as “spontaneous relaxed enjoyment” and "the quiet joy in being one's self.” We see it in photos of the giggling delight that bonded Bishop [...]
Toward a Greater Inclusivity
Naomi Washington-Leapheart Villanova University Rev. Washington-Leapheart, an adjunct professor of theology and religious studies at Villanova, is a Black-queer church girl, preacher, teacher, and activist. She develops spaces of spiritual candor, disruption, reflection, transformation, and action. Washington-Leapheart will speak about how to make faith-based organizations more inclusive. Join here online at the scheduled time:
Intergenerational Climate Justice
Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesHugh Taft-Morales Leader, Philadelphia Ethical Society What do young environmental activists think about the global catastrophe they’ve inherited? How do older Americans feel about leaving future generations with this existential threat? Hugh explores groups of people young (the Sunrise Movement) and seasoned (Third Act) grappling with climate change. And he shares his own reactions to [...]
Is Amazon the Future of Labor?
Rebecca Kolins Givan Rutgers University From warehouses to delivery vans, Amazon workers are everywhere. With over a million employees, Amazon has become one of the country’s largest employers. Workers from Staten Island to Chicago to Bessemer, Alabama, are organizing and fighting back against physically demanding jobs that take place under constant surveillance and produce frequent [...]
Believe I Am What I Say I Am
Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesHugh Taft-Morales Leader, Philadelphia Ethical Society Personal identity is…well…personal. And the person in question can share all or part of what they consider themselves to be. They may—or may not—identify with different groups based on age, ability, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, religion, or other characteristics. Whatever their choices, why don’t we simply [...]
Does Ethical Culture Have a Future?
James Croft Ethical Society of St. Louis We’re taking a “virtual road trip” for this one. St. Louis Leader James Croft asks, at a time when so many people are leaving organized religion, why are most Ethical Societies not growing? Our culture faces a crisis of loneliness and disconnection, and many yearn for community. So [...]
Celebrating How We Got Here
All-AEU Platform Participants will gather from Ethical Societies across the country to review the major accomplishments of the ethical movement and share personal reflections. There will be an informal interview of five or six members, followed by breakout groups. Musicians in the Ethical Culture movement will perform. (Zoom) Link:
Sharing Ethical Humanism
Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United StatesHugh Taft-Morales Leader, Philadelphia Ethical Society For his last platform of the season, Hugh will explore the history and philosophy of humanism, as well as Ethical Culture’s place under the humanist tent. Why did Felix Adler, who founded Ethical Culture, reject the label “humanism”? And why, after his death, do so many people refer to [...]
Exploring the Architecture of Our Building
Michael Black-Smith President, Philadelphia Ethical Society Mike will share some of the history of 1906 Rittenhouse Square that he has discovered, cleaned off, and polished-up while working on our historic home. Mike trained and worked as a preservation architect and still carries a love of the built environment and appreciation for the craftsmanship of older buildings. Join [...]
Uplifting Songs for Downtrodden Times
This Zoom (only) program will be at: