
Standing Committees

Name Function Meetings Contact
Building Oversight of current maintenance our building and long-term planning for it.  The Rentals Task-force, which oversees and supports building rental activity, is under this committee Monthly Chairperson
Camp Linden
Oversee maintenance of the Camp and Summer Children’s Program.
Monthly Chairperson
Communications Promote the programs and activities of the Society outside the Society. Monthly Chairperson
Community Establish a community of cooperation and acceptance that allows interpersonal growth and individual worth. Within this committee, there are special teams for Social Events, Membership Growth, and Connections. As needed Chairperson
Education Analyze the principles of Ethical Humanism in the light of contemporary experience, and offers programs that express those principles through selection of platform speakers and children’s education. Monthly Chairperson
Ethical Action Fosters member and general citizen involvement in social and environmental issues at regional, national, and international levels – not to include support of individual political candidates or political parties. Within this committee, there is a special task force on Ending Racism. Monthly Chairperson
Finance Budget, investment management and financial reports. Within this committee, there are subcommittees on Fund Raising/Pledging and Investments. Monthly Treasurer
Leader Advisory Liaison between the Leader and the membership, and to assess the Leader’s duties and functions, recommending priorities among these from time to time. currently inactive TBD