Calendar of Events
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All Societies Platform with the American Ethical Union (AEU)
All Societies Platform with the American Ethical Union (AEU)
All Societies Platform: The Encampment for Citizenship on Zoom Since its founding in 1876, the Ethical Culture movement has founded or co-founded several organizations. One of them is The Encampment for Citizenship, a progressive youth leadership program that met for the first time in the summer of 1946. Today, it has been reinvigorated by alumni […]
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Chair Yoga with Oliver Jane Jorgensen
Chair Yoga with Oliver Jane Jorgensen
Join our Community Life Coordinator, Oliver Jane, as they teach an hour-long Chair Yoga class at the Society. The class is accessible to all ages and abilities. This is a very gentle Yoga class that utilizes the support of a chair. The practice promotes stress reduction, relaxation, and positive moods. Great for older bodies, stiff bodies, […]
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The Investiture of Missional Health care in the Land of the Maya
The Investiture of Missional Health care in the Land of the Maya
Mike Tysowsky, Board Chair, Serving at the Crossroads Dr. Tysowsky, speaks about his journey Serving at the Crossroads and the sustainability of its medical clinic in Western Honduras - the intentionality, lessons learned, and the outcomes achieved. Instead of building a wall, Serving at the Crossroads (SATC) realized the need to build medical capacity in […]
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Women of Ethical Culture
Women of Ethical Culture
Join Jone Lewis’ Zoom workshop on Women of Ethical Culture, a three-part workshop happening from 7:00-8:30PM on Monday, August 7; Thursday, August 10; and Monday, August 21. These 3-sessions will introduce you to some history of Ethical Culture and Ethical humanism, via meeting some of the women of the movement. Jone’s knowledge of Ethical Culture’s history is […]
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Chair Yoga with Oliver Jane Jorgensen
Chair Yoga with Oliver Jane Jorgensen
Join our Community Life Coordinator, Oliver Jane, as they teach an hour-long Chair Yoga class at the Society. The class is accessible to all ages and abilities. This is a very gentle Yoga class that utilizes the support of a chair. The practice promotes stress reduction, relaxation, and positive moods. Great for older bodies, stiff bodies, […]
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Forming a Humanist Practice
Forming a Humanist Practice
Christian Hayden Ethical Culture Leader and PES member Choosing to be Humanist can be a deeply private decision- one that many times, happens outside of community- it can be difficult to describe how one approaches one’s spiritual/ethical formation. How does one observe being a humanist or Ethical Culturist? How do we form a community that […]
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Chair Yoga with Oliver Jane Jorgensen
Chair Yoga with Oliver Jane Jorgensen
Join our Community Life Coordinator, Oliver Jane, as they teach an hour-long Chair Yoga class at the Society. The class is accessible to all ages and abilities. This is a very gentle Yoga class that utilizes the support of a chair. The practice promotes stress reduction, relaxation, and positive moods. Great for older bodies, stiff bodies, […]
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Game: Peeling the Onion
Game: Peeling the Onion
Participants in this get-to-know-you activity react to prompts with stories and experiences, stimulating conversation and forging connections in the process. Share as much or as little as you like. We will meet in the Leader’s office. Space is limited, so RSVP to Redwood Kardon:
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Recall to Remember
Recall to Remember
Kate Esposito, PES Member Most of us like to tell stories about our lives. But how many of us have written them? Come prepared to scribble tidbits of your past to create a compelling memory. In advance, have in mind a personal story you want to write, preferably involving just one other person. This is […]
Ethical Action and Social Event: Clean out and Restock a Local Community Refrigerator
Ethical Action and Social Event: Clean out and Restock a Local Community Refrigerator
Anyone is welcome to join the Philadelphia Ethical Society's Community Life Coordinator, Oliver Jane Jorgensen, for some socializing, snacks, and a community service activity. We will be meeting to clean out and restock a local community refrigerator. Then we will travel to a local eatery to share some appetizers and chat about the food justice […]
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Chair Yoga with Oliver Jane Jorgensen
Chair Yoga with Oliver Jane Jorgensen
Join our Community Life Coordinator, Oliver Jane, as they teach an hour-long Chair Yoga class at the Society. The class is accessible to all ages and abilities. This is a very gentle Yoga class that utilizes the support of a chair. The practice promotes stress reduction, relaxation, and positive moods. Great for older bodies, stiff bodies, […]
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Ending Racism Task Force Potluck
Ending Racism Task Force Potluck
Join members of the Ending Racism Task Force for a potluck at the Ethical Society at 1906 S. Rittenhouse Square. Bring yourselves and something delicious! After the potluck and discussion, stay for a movie screening at 4pm.
Ending Racism Task Force Movie Screening
Ending Racism Task Force Movie Screening
Following the potluck and discussion, stay for a movie screening at 4pm with the members of the Ending Racism Task Force. Movie TBD.
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Celebrating Banned Books
Celebrating Banned Books
PES Members from the Ending Racism Task Force A look at the history of banned books, censorship and how progressive societies have fought against censorship. Members from the ERTF will be reading from banned books in celebration of democracy, anti-racism, and liberty for all. This is a Zoom-only platform. You can join here online at […]
Social BYOB Happy Hour at 1906 Rittenhouse
Social BYOB Happy Hour at 1906 Rittenhouse
Bring some drinks and snacks to PES. We will eat, drink some beverages, and connect in person. If it is nice outside we may move our gathering to a few benches in Rittenhouse Square Park. Please RSVP to Oliver Jane Jorgensen at if you want to attend.
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Chair Yoga with Oliver Jane Jorgensen
Chair Yoga with Oliver Jane Jorgensen
Join our Community Life Coordinator, Oliver Jane, as they teach an hour-long Chair Yoga class at the Society. The class is accessible to all ages and abilities. This is a very gentle Yoga class that utilizes the support of a chair. The practice promotes stress reduction, relaxation, and positive moods. Great for older bodies, stiff bodies, […]