Introduction to Ethical Humanism

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Hugh Taft-Morales and Christian Hayden will lead the Introduction to Ethical Humanism discussion on October 1st. From 7:00-8:15PM they will offer an overview of Ethical Humanism’s history and philosophy, and then discuss experiential and meditative ways of exploring humanism and building community. Please RSVP to so Hugh knows you are coming!

Gender and Sexual Policy: Impacts on Social Justice

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Kim McKay PES Member, Temple University Asst. Prof. of Social Work and affiliated Professor of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies As our current US president keeps everyone distracted, there are a lot of policies that are changing rapidly with little media coverage. These changes will have negative impacts on already vulnerable populations. Policies affecting gender [...]

A Colloquy Marking the End of Summer

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Ken Greiff, PES Member A colloquy with readings of poetry and prose. The selections will be philosophical and spiritual and should help members and attendees sharpen their individual position on these deep topics.

Introduction to Ethical Humanism

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Join Christian Hayden for an overview of Ethical Humanism and learn more about what the Philadelphia Ethical Society does. Christian will be providing readings of works from various Ethical Culture leaders (clergy of Ethical Societies). Bring questions and criticisms. And yes, there will be wine this time. To RSVP, contact him at

Should Humanists Proselytize?

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Hugh Taft-Morales Leader, Philadelphia Ethical Society Many people like Ethical Culture because it tries to make the world a better place while defending freedom of thought and the uniqueness of every individual. How do we recruit people to help us in our ethical mission without crossing the thin line between advocacy and manipulation? For example, [...]