Think Ethics

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Ritual or Nothing - What does spirituality mean for nones and those in between? What is the place of ritual in the lives of people? Should there be? Can spirituality be a part of everyone’s life, theistic or not? Think Ethics is a discussion group facilitated by Leader-In-Training Christian Hayden and Alexander Guterriez that looks [...]

Ethical Page Turners–Lives of Others

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Facilitator: Betsy Lightbourn, PES member Ethical issues are often creatively explored through fiction. Literary fiction especially can illuminate ethical issues and enhance an understanding of the lives of others. This summer, our reviewers will briefly review books which have led them to a better understanding of those who are not like them, e.g. race, gender, [...]

Discussion: The Art of Becoming

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Led by Christian Hayden Using text and the performance of theater works, we will look at the process of becoming- how one decides and shapes and makes the intentional choice in the face of oppression and marginalization in our society. Suggested Reading: None, or bring in your favorite monologue about coming out/being queer.

Drawing for Everyone: Basic Principles

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Facilitator: Arthur Pielli Artist, Art Educator, and PES member Learn how to create a 3D image from a 3D object, on a 2D format.

Stories from the AEU Assembly, 2019 Edition

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Facilitator: Bob Bueding PES President Bob and other PES members who attended the AEU Assembly in Tampa, Florida will share their take-aways and moments of inspiration.

Introduction to Ethical Humanism

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Want to know more about Ethical Humanism and the Philadelphia Ethical Society? Come to an Introduction to Ethical Humanism to learn about the history, philosophy, and community of our humanist alternative to traditional religion.

Philosophic Roots of Ethical Humanism: Naturalism and Materialism

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Richard Kiniry Leader Emeritus, Philadelphia Ethical Society In three sessions, we will examine the schools of philosophy that have influenced the evolution of Ethical Humanism.

Game Night

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Bring a board game or cards, and have a good time at the Ethical Society!

Warrior to Revolutionary: My Story

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Facilitator: Brandi Fishman Director, Zefer Foundation A story about a personal journey involving disability, acceptance, perception and advocacy. Brandi Fishman will also discuss her work with the Zefer Foundation.

Think Ethics

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Living by Code - Automation vs. Human: What are the costs and implicit effects of moving toward a future where humans do nothing (but make the code)? Think Ethics is a discussion group facilitated by Leader-In-Training Christian Hayden and Alexander Guterriez that looks to analyze current events and issues through the lens of ethical systems. [...]