Sharing Ethical Humanism

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Hugh Taft-Morales Leader, Philadelphia Ethical Society For his last platform of the season, Hugh will explore the history and philosophy of humanism, as well as Ethical Culture’s place under the humanist tent. Why did Felix Adler, who founded Ethical Culture, reject the label “humanism”? And why, after his death, do so many people refer to [...]

Exploring the Architecture of Our Building

Michael Black-Smith President, Philadelphia Ethical Society Mike will share some of the history of 1906 Rittenhouse Square that he has discovered, cleaned off, and polished-up while working on our historic home. Mike trained and worked as a preservation architect and still carries a love of the built environment and appreciation for the craftsmanship of older buildings. Join [...]

Recognition of Juneteenth

Aissia Richardson, Director of Outreach and Community Development Office of State Senator Sharif Street, and Ethical Society Member Aissia will talk about the successful campaign to have Juneteenth recognized as a statewide holiday and the ongoing effort to make it a paid day off of work. This Zoom (only) program will be at:

All Society Platform – Summer 2022

AEU Assembly Platform: All Hands on Deck! (The Importance of the Work of the Many Volunteers Across the Ethical Movement) To celebrate the importance of volunteerism to the Ethical Culture movement, Leader Jone Johnson Lewis will discuss the work of Anna Garlin Spencer and how her work for social justice in the early years of [...]

How We Live Our Values

Living our values means “talking the talk” and “walking the talk.” In that regard, Society member Nick Sanders will say a bit about his values and how he tries to manifest them beyond the Ethical Society in his immediate neighborhood and in the wider world … with a little existentialism and values clarification orientation as [...]

Crucial Conversations

Ruth Dubinsky, PES Member Crucial Conversations – Tools for Talking when the Stakes are High is a go-to resource for navigating the tough conversations that occur in every aspect of life.  Ruth will offer a summary of this step-by-step path to more productive dialog. This Zoom (only) program will be at:

A Quick Gandhi Refresher: A colloquy

Ken Greiff, PES Member In these days of struggle, it is fitting and proper that we remind ourselves of hopeful strategies, strategies for (as Martin Luther King would put it) the creation of the Beloved Community. The reading for this colloquy will be from a Gandhian website called Soulforce.  The readings are: (1) A Credo [...]

WOKE: A Call for Social Justice

Erik Younge and ERTF members Please join us for an exciting, inspiring, informative program of poetry and discussion on what it means to be to ask the hard questions. How to stand up for what is right - even when it is difficult and scary. Ending Racism Task Force members recite poems written from [...]

The Timeless Lessons of Toni Morrison

Christian Hayden In a strange turn of events, Toni Morrison's Pulitzer Prize winning Beloved became fodder for a political ad in the gubernatorial race of Virginia in 2021. Though it is somewhat unsurprising that targeting literature crafted by a Black woman could score easy political points, nevertheless it is unsettling that one of the greatest [...]