All Societies Platform with the American Ethical Union (AEU)

All Societies Platform: The Encampment for Citizenship on Zoom Since its founding in 1876, the Ethical Culture movement has founded or co-founded several organizations. One of them is The Encampment for Citizenship, a progressive youth leadership program that met for the first time in the summer of 1946. Today, it has been reinvigorated by alumni [...]

The Investiture of Missional Health care in the Land of the Maya

Mike Tysowsky, Board Chair, Serving at the Crossroads Dr. Tysowsky, speaks about his journey Serving at the Crossroads and the sustainability of its medical clinic in Western Honduras - the intentionality, lessons learned, and the outcomes achieved. Instead of building a wall, Serving at the Crossroads (SATC) realized the need to build medical capacity in [...]

Forming a Humanist Practice

Christian Hayden Ethical Culture Leader and PES member Choosing to be Humanist can be a deeply private decision- one that many times, happens outside of community- it can be difficult to describe how one approaches one’s spiritual/ethical formation. How does one observe being a humanist or Ethical Culturist? How do we form a community that [...]

Recall to Remember

Kate Esposito, PES Member Most of us like to tell stories about our lives.  But how many of us have written them?  Come prepared to scribble tidbits of your past to create a compelling memory.  In advance, have in mind a personal story you want to write, preferably involving just one other person. This is [...]

Celebrating Banned Books

PES Members from the Ending Racism Task Force A look at the history of banned books, censorship and how progressive societies have fought against censorship. Members from the ERTF will be reading from banned books in celebration of democracy, anti-racism, and liberty for all. This is a Zoom-only platform. You can join here online at [...]

Wither Goest Ethical Culture?

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Hugh Taft-Morales Leader, Philadelphia Ethical Society The American Ethical Union, our national federating organization, is in the midst of a challenging, dynamic, process to envision our movement’s future. Will our unfolding discussions lead to evolution, revolution, or devolution?  At the national level, will relationships grow stronger and wounds heal? Will we build power collectively? Will [...]

The Informavore’s Dilemma

Nina Strohminger, Professor, University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School We rely on experts to understand the world. But often, those experts’ information is unreliable. Strohminger, a behavioral scientist in the Wharton School’s department of Legal Studies and Business Ethics, will discuss the origins and scope of this dilemma and suggest practical approaches to managing it. Strohminger [...]

Embodied Peace

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Hugh Taft-Morales Leader, Philadelphia Ethical Society Peace, both in ourselves and in the world, sometimes is portrayed as an elusive, spiritual goal. In fact, it is rooted not in the intangible spirit but in the grounded body. To build embodied peace from the inside out, we must more fully embrace our physical natures, from awareness [...]

Peace Day Philly: A Journey Creating Peace

Lisa Parker Founder, Peace Day Philly Our Society has participated in Peace Day Philly since its inception in 2011. Parker will explain the evolution of this initiative, which supports local involvement in the United Nations International Day of Peace. A social worker by training, Parker has worked with at-risk children and youth, as well as [...]

The Power of Place: Civil Rights Tourism

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Hugh Taft-Morales Leader, Philadelphia Ethical Society Hugh Taft-Morales loves reading about American history, from first settlements to today. He is particularly interested in the civil rights movement. This past summer, Hugh took his first civil rights tour. Here, he offers some reflections on that profound experience, explaining why it affected him so deeply and how he [...]