Calendar of Events
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Her Own Troubles: Women’s Laments in the Iliad
Her Own Troubles: Women’s Laments in the Iliad
Shelia Murnaghan University of Pennsylvania Homer’s Iliad primarily celebrates male heroism on the battlefield. However, the poem also raises women’s voices, especially through the genre of lament. Sheila Murnaghan, the Allen Memorial Professor of Greek, at Penn, explores the distinctive perspectives of the Iliad’s women on heroic values and gender relations in wartime. Murnaghan’s research […]
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Reflections on the Philosophy of Richard Kiniry
Reflections on the Philosophy of Richard Kiniry
Hugh Taft-Morales Leader, Philadelphia Ethical Society Richard Kiniry (1943-2019) served the Philadelphia Ethical Society for 20 years. He was a beloved self-described curmudgeon and a philosopher. Though thoroughly naturalistic and deeply skeptical, Richard promoted Ethical Humanism as a religious response to a broken world. In preparation for a celebration of Richard's life on April 15, […]
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Resurrecting Poetry
Resurrecting Poetry
Anne Klaeysen New York Society for Ethical Culture Today is Easter Sunday, a reminder that belief in the power of miracles can change lives. This is also National Poetry Month, a celebration of the comparable power of poetry. As poet Jane Hirshfield put it, "Poetry is the attempt to understand fully what is real, what […]
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Intuition and Leaps of Faith
Intuition and Leaps of Faith
Hugh Taft-Morales Leader, Philadelphia Ethical Society Many who adopt a naturalistic, rational perspective to life feel uncomfortable acting on anything other than evidence and reason. Ethical Culture does not dabble in supernaturalism; and leaning too hard into the irrational is unwise. Yet some aspects of experience that exist beyond reason enrich our lives. Think of […]
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Camp Linden at Rittenhouse Square
Camp Linden at Rittenhouse Square
Camp Linden Committee Philadelphia Ethical Society The Children's Summer Program at Camp Linden, the Society's major community-service project, introduces innercity children to the wonders of nature through a program of environmental education and swimming at our property in rural Chester County. Learn about its impact and experience highlights of our engaging environmental curriculum. Retrieve nectar […]