Statues Like Us

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia

Hugh Taft-Morales Leader, Philadelphia Ethical Society For thousands of years, humans have created statues in their own image. Artists have carved marble, forged metal, and sculpted clay to depict people as beautiful, heroic, or infamous. What purposes do these sculptures serve as cultural symbols and historical markers? How do they make life meaningful? Hugh draws [...]

Annual Tree of Knowledge Celebration

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia

Following the Sunday platform, members are invited to gather for our annual Tree of Knowledge decoration event. Decorations made from the covers of banned or controversial books will be available to hang. Margaret Downey, the Freethought Society founder and president, will create ornaments on-site for people who bring two color copies of the front covers [...]

Introduction to Ethical Humanism

Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia

Hugh offers a casual presentation and conversation about the history, philosophy, and current manifestations of Ethical Culture, at the Philadelphia Ethical Society building.