Souls Shot Portrait Project Exhibition
Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, PhiladelphiaTHE PHILADELPHIA ETHICAL SOCIETY presents Souls Shot Portrait Project Exhibition Collier Gallery and Weston Room* May 3 through 29, 2023 Souls Shot Portrait Project pairs fine artists with families and friends of victims of gun violence. The artists create portraits using diverse approaches and emphasize the individuality and uniqueness of the victims portrayed. The exhibition is a truly moving tribute. [...]
Under-40 Museum Trip
Philadelphia Museum of Art 2600 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy, PhiladelphiaIf you are under the age of 40, please join Community Life Coordinator Oliver Jane Jorgensen at the Philadelphia Museum of Art during its free-admission hours. We will view specific pieces and discuss our viewings through the lens of ethical culture. Afterwards we will share snacks and beverages. Feel free to stay until closing. If [...]