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Intuition and Leaps of Faith
Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, PhiladelphiaHugh Taft-Morales Leader, Philadelphia Ethical Society Many who adopt a naturalistic, rational perspective to life feel uncomfortable acting on anything other than evidence and reason. Ethical Culture does not dabble in supernaturalism; and leaning too hard into the irrational is unwise. Yet some aspects of experience that exist beyond reason enrich our lives. Think of [...]
Under-40 Gathering: Ethical Action and Social Event
Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, PhiladelphiaAnyone under the age of 40 is welcome to join the Philadelphia Ethical Society's Community Life Coordinator, Oliver Jane Jorgensen, for some socializing, snacks, and a community service activity. We will be meeting to clean out and restock a local community refrigerator. Then we will travel to a local eatery to share some appetizers and [...]