What Is a Leader?
Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, PhiladelphiaHugh Taft-Morales Leader, Philadelphia Ethical Society Traditional patriarchal narratives portray leaders as drum majors, out in front, leading the parade. Felix Adler hesitated before settling on “Leader” as the title for clergy in Ethical Culture. He worried that loyalty to the drum major would dominate. He wanted everyone to become a leader. How should Ethical [...]
Women’s History Month Art Opening: Window on Sills
Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, PhiladelphiaJoin Carol Love and Hugh in the Society’s Collier Gallery for the opening of Window on Sills, a collection of works by Joyce Sills. Sills, the first tenured woman in Rutgers’ art department, was a prominent artist in the ’60s. After developing severe fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome, she departed New York for Florida, leaving her life’s [...]
Introduction to Ethical Humanism
Philadelphia Ethical Society 1906 Rittenhouse Square, PhiladelphiaJoin Hugh in-person and on Zoom for this overview of Ethical Humanism’s history, philosophy, and current community in Philadelphia. In-person at 1906 Rittenhouse Square and on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3917679274