Camp Linden Picnic
August 11, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Join our annual summer celebration of friendship, fun, food, and the great outdoors! We provide hotdogs, hamburgers, and beverages. You are encouraged to bring side dishes and desserts. A recommended contribution of $15 will be collected at the event. Children 12 and under are free.
Those who wish to carpool should email us at the address below, indicate whether you can take passengers or need a ride, and include your mobile-phone number. Carpoolers will assemble at the Society building at 11 AM on the day of the picnic. Overnight camping is available on Friday and Saturday, August 9-10. We may also offer overnight accommodations at Temenos, a nearby conference center, if there is sufficient interest.
Camp Linden, where PES operates its environmental education and swimming program for children from low-income neighborhoods, is a mostly wooded property along the Brandywine Creek in rural Chester County, near West Chester, Pennsylvania. The facilities include a swimming pool, bath house, raised bed garden, hiking trails, and the Brandywine Creek landing. It is located in the heart of the Brandywine Valley, home of world-renowned gardens, museums and historic sites: www.thebrandywine.com/
RSVP to camplinden@phillyethics.org.
(Rain dates: August 16-18, picnic on the 18th)